The RT9801A/B is a micro-power voltage detector supervising the power supply voltage level for microprocessors (μP) or digital systems. It provides user programmable threshold levels with 0.1V step ranging from 1.5V to 5V, which covers most digital applications. It features low supply current of 3μA. Selection of VTH is easily achieved through 3 pins connected to GND, VDD or floating for different threshold voltage settings. Two versions of threshold voltages, 1.5V to 4V and 2.5V to 5V, which are programmed in factory are offered by customer demands.
The RT9801A/B performs supervisory function by sending out a reset signal whenever the VDD voltage falls below a preset threshold level. This reset signal will last the whole period before VDD recovering. Reset signal will release after VDD is recovered and last for the whole period of Reset Active Time-out period.
RT9801A/B is N-Channel, open-drain output and provided in SOT-23-6 package.
- Computers
- Controllers
- Intelligent Instruments
- Critical μP and μC Power Monitoring
- Portable/Battery-Powered Equipment