Quality and ESH Policy
Quality Policy
At Richtek, we act with professionalism. We optimize business processes and operation procedures, innovate continually, solidify product value proposition, and achieve quality excellence.
Environment, Safety and Health (ESH) Policy
Richtek Technology Corporation is committed to maintaining the environment, safety and health, and pledges to adhere to the following ESH policies set by the Company:
1. Compliance with laws and other requirements:
Adhere to applicable regulations and customer requirements, respond to global initiatives, and achieve the Group's Net Zero Goals.
2. Development of green products:
Dedicated to the design of green products to reduce resource consumption and enhance energy efficiency.
3. Enhancing ESH literacy:
Spread diverse ESH and health promotion advocacy and activities to deepen awareness and thereby increase participation willingness.
4. Commitment to environmental sustainability:
Promote resource recycling and clean energy usage to mitigate impacts on the environment and climate.
5. Prevention of injuries and illnesses:
Eliminate potential hazards, provide a safe and healthy working environment, and maintain the physical and mental health of workers.
6. Strengthening internal and external communication:
Establish channels for two-way consultation and feedback, encourage exchanges, and build partnerships.
7. Carrying out ESH management system:
Regularly review and disclose ESH management performance to ensure continuous improvement and transparency.