The RT9758D is a high efficiency switching capacitor converter for input >7.4V application. The efficiency is up to 98.1% when VOUT = 10V, IOUT = 2A, switching frequency = 500kHz, dual phase with VBUS input in cap divider mode. The device integrates two phase switching capacitor topology (DIV2 mode), bypass mode, an input reverse blocking MOS and 9-way protections. The default operation mode of the device is DIV2 mode. User can use I2C to select the device operating in bypass mode or reverse DIV2 mode or reverse bypass mode. The maximum output current is 6A with DIV2 mode or 5A with bypass mode. In present mode (EN = H), the host can still issue commands by the I2C serial interface.
The recommended junction temperature range is -40°C to 125°C, and the ambient temperature range is -40°C to 85°C.